ABCD = A Pajeet born and raised in US.
In his mind an ABCD thinks he looks like white chads but every time he looks in the mirror he sees a Pajeet staring back and that is his biggest insecurity.
Among low-caste whites, height and looks are the only barometer for social status. It doesn’t matter if you are a Harvard doctor. If you are short and ugly, other whites will avoid being seen with you.
ABCDs are short, ugly and brown as compared to white chads. All throughout their childhood into adulthood, ABCDs grow up being treated second-class. That is why they have a chip on their shoulder.
As an Indian you will face racism not from whites but from ABCDs. He resents you because you remind him of what he really looks like to white people. ABCDs seek white validation so much but don’t realize that whites see us all the same. Don’t pay attention to lame ABCDs at some point in life they will get discriminated even after trying so hard to be a slave and then they will come to their senses.
Can't wait for some Karen to tell him go back to his country. धोबी का कुत्ता ना घर का ना घाट का।साले नमक हराम।
These are the same fuckers who will pull their race card at any slight inconvenience. If they hate us so much, why the fuck do they call themselves 'Indian' American?
ABCDs should be allowed to sue their parents for mental damage. Their parents were greedy for money and didn’t care about the lasting impacts it would have on their children growing up as the ugliest kid among whites.