JD Vance is a short, ugly oofy-doofy white incel. Which is why he had to settle for an ethnic wife. He got rejected by even obese white women.
Here is an average white man.
and here is JD Vance.
No wonder he struggled with dating.
He wrote his biography “Hillbilly Elegy” where he talked about feeling sad about getting rejected by women who only went for chads. Frustrated he would come home and fuck his couch.
Vance was so unpopular with white women that they preferred to pee standing up rather than look at him.
He joined the alt-right movement hoping it would help him get a girlfriend but sadly the few asian girls he met there were clearly not interested in him.
In comes Usha
There was however one girl who noticed him, although he had overlooked her. It was Usha, the woman he would go on to marry and have kids with. Usha is a 4’11 womanlet. That puts Vance at 5’8 at most. Not tall enough to ride white women.
Usha is an ABCD pajeeta. Growing up as an ABCD taught her how whites despise them. ABCDs are at the bottom of the American social hierarchy. Even blacks sit well above ABCDs. Usha knew that the last thing she wanted was some loser ABCD pajeet husband. She had her eyes set on white chads. Sadly white chads obviously rejected this brown pajeeta.
So with each passing day she set her sights lower and lower and lower and then some more lower until she met JD Vance. Here was a short, ugly, fat white boy from hill-billy country which even obese white women refused to date.
When Usha saw that asian girls also rejected JD Vance, her heart skipped a beat. Usually white incels tend to go for asian girls since they are more attractive than other ethnic girls.
Usha is a smart woman who went to Yale. She saw an opportunity and seized it. Hackers have obtained some of her texts which she sent him asking him to “show penes” and “send testacles pls”.
JD Vance who was busy fucking his couch was startled that finally some bio-female took interest in him. He quickly asked her out on a date, his first date.
Rest is history.
Deep down Vance wishes he had a white wife instead of a pajeeta. Do you really think had Vance got a shot at girls looking like this, he would have picked some pajeeta?
Even other whites are mocking this incel.
this account is good actually
😂 Tell me you're a gay libtard with a sub-80 IQ, without actually telling me you're a gay libtard with a sub-80 IQ. 😂
Go back.
MAGA ❤️🤍💙